
The secret story of Symmetry

7 ways of Balancing

Idea of bringing up something where you and I, would mirror each other on the axis of thoughts and thoughtfulness, concept and images, belief and intention, and much more. Symmetry helps bind various elements of a structure together into a single unified whole, thus making the process much simpler. This studio on many scales would help to create a sense of rational order and calm logic. Until then, nothing changes, if nothing changes!


Our Done Projects

Its One thing to memorize the surface area and volume formula but its quite another thing to actually use them and build something. So we welcome you to our architectural adventure and you may find some cool result at the end.

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What We Do?

We Offer Services

We beleive a good connection is more important than competition because it last much longer. We beleive in it and we certainly adhere by it.

Construction & Management

Day to day oversight of a Construction Site, management of vendors, traders, and the communication of information to all involved parties throughout the course of a building project.


listening to your needs, understanding and developing a facility as per your requirements. Advicing on what exactly you need via Architecture, Interior and landscape Designs.


Our Architect

One of the common things between our architects is that they believe architecture was beyond 9 to 5 and the world needs more symmetrical place.

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